When you can't say anything intelligent, resort to Ad-hominem arguments.
... and attack their supposed sources of income. CFACT and Heartland are not mine as Richard insinuates, but I know that their major contributors are private citizens; Big Oil contributes a minuscule percentage. Heartland has offered Al Gore his going rate (something like $200,000) to attend a conference and give a talk. He refuses, as do almost all climate alarmists: they just can't deal with facts. By way of contrast, the total amount
Heartland has paid to all speakers at all 7 climate conferences is
not enough to run a McDonald's for a year. |
Richard Hello,
****************************** Richard: No. Cheers, Howard *********************** Thanks for your reply. Side
note: Its sad that you are supposed to represent some of the intellectually elite in this country, yet you peddle a completely fabricated story to your students and anyone else who'll listen. Not
surprised that the only people who fund your "Committee for a constructive
tomorrow" and "Heartland Institute" are big oil. But hell why not take their
money? You wont be the one who has to suffer the consequences.